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You are here: Project Team

The project has received funding from the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme under Grant Agreement nº 270893.


University of Lisbon, Faculty of Sciences, Portugal


Head: António Branco (project coordinator)

Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal


Head: Isabel Trancoso

The University of Manchester, United Kingdom


Head: Sophia Ananiadou

University Alexandru Ioan Cuza, Romania


Head: Dan Cristea

Romanian Academy, Institute for Research on Artificial Intelligence, Romania


Head: Dan Tufiș

University of Malta


Head: Mike Rosner

Technical University of Catalonia, Spain


Head: Asunción Moreno

Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain


Head: Núria Bel


The team includes also the following affiliated party:


Center of Linguistics of the University of Lisbon, Portugal


Head: Amália Mendes

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